[Tfug] OK, got a different tech challenge on FOSS voting...

John Karns johnkarns at gmail.com
Wed May 14 10:31:28 MST 2008

On 5/11/08, Andrew Ayre <andy at britishideas.com> wrote:

> What is to stop someone swapping the CD for a pre-burned one that they
> created with their own copy of the OSS voting software? I.e. so it looks
> identical. Or does there now have to be a tech-savvy person at every
> polling station just to operate this and be able to tell these differences?
> Come to think of it, what is to stop someone swapping the official
> LiveCD for one they created themselves earlier with a slightly different
> voting application.

Disclaimer: I'm not a security expert!  How about something like this:

The CD would be paired with a (read-only .. do they exist?) USB stick
which would have the checksum of all the contents on the approved CD.
Each person who would be verifying the integrity of the results would
be in possession of one of these.

Re: insuring against midday hardware hacking, the CD or USB stick
could have a checksum of relevant parts of the /proc tree.

Just my $.02


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