[Tfug] OT: Open file handles under W2K

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu May 8 16:47:11 MST 2008

Hi, James,

--- James Daniel <jdaniel at skylinelab.com> wrote:

> I wouldn't say I run into this problem any more or
> less in Windows than I do 
> in Linux, neither being common, and in both systems
> the vast majority of 
> cases are the result of an error between chair and
> keyboard, or a run-away/zombie process.

I've never run into it under NetBSD.  But, run into
it *daily* on the dual CPU Windows box.  A most common
problem is not being able to "unmount" (or whatever
the equivalent Windows-speak lingo is) a USB thumb
drive after I've been using it.  Close *everything*
on the desktop.  Wait *minutes* (just in case there
is anything that needs to be flushed out of the
disk cache onto the medium).  And *still* can't
get windows to let me remove the device -- unless
I reboot (or, just "log out" -- which manages to
close any open handles).

The same sort of problem appears when I have dicked
with contents of a "folder" and, subsequently, try
to rename that folder or remove it.

As I said, I never see any of these problems on the
other machines (uniprocessor) running the same
software (which makes me suspect the dual CPU
configuration *or* something specific about this
particular model)


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