[Tfug] firefox

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Mon May 5 16:44:22 MST 2008

On Mon May 05, 2008 at 04:06:41PM -0700, christopher wrote:
> ok, without starting a bunch of flaming, I'd like to
> know what's so great about firefox.

It's all about perspective. When compared to IE, Firefox has four 
major things going for it.
- Open Source and every benefit that goes along with it.
- Fewer vulnerabilities.
- Extensibility via plugins with hundreds available.
- Is ahead of IE featurewise. You can't just look at the current 
  state of the browser, you need to look at the timeline and 
Compared to Opera, the only major advantage I am aware of is that 
it is Open Source. That one is particularly important to me.

And it's mostly personal preference on what features you want 
when comparing against other Open Source browsers.

> And for that matter, since opera is giving my problems,
> I seem to be without browsing options right now. lynx
> isn't really an option, is it?

Searching the Debian respositories yeilds:
$ aptitude search ~Dprovides:www-browser
chimera2                        - Web browser for X                         
dillo                           - Small and fast web browser                
elinks                          - advanced text-mode WWW browser            
elinks-lite                     - advanced text-mode WWW browser (lite versi
elvis                           - powerful clone of the vi/ex text editor (w
elvis-console                   - powerful clone of the vi/ex text editor (w
epiphany-browser                - Intuitive GNOME web browser               
galeon                          - GNOME web browser for advanced users      
iceape-browser                  - Iceape Navigator (Internet browser) and Co
iceweasel                       - lightweight web browser based on Mozilla  
iceweasel-gnome-support         - Support for Gnome in Iceweasel            
kazehakase                      - gecko based web browser using GTK         
konqueror                       - KDE's advanced file manager, web browser a
links                           - Character mode WWW browser                
links2                          - Web browser running in both graphics and t
lynx                            - Text-mode WWW Browser                     
lynx-cur                        - Text-mode WWW Browser with NLS support (de
netrik                          - text mode WWW browser with vi like keybind
w3-el-e21                       - Web browser for GNU Emacs 21              
w3m                             - WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/
w3mmee                          - WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/
xemacs21-gnome-mule             - highly customizable text editor -- Mule bi
xemacs21-gnome-mule-canna-wnn   - highly customizable text editor -- Mule bi
xemacs21-gnome-nomule           - highly customizable text editor -- Non-mul
xemacs21-mule                   - highly customizable text editor -- Mule bi
xemacs21-mule-canna-wnn         - highly customizable text editor -- Mule bi
xemacs21-nomule                 - highly customizable text editor -- Non-mul


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