[Tfug] Way OT: optics mumbo jumbo

Terence Rudkin trudkin at pobox.com
Tue Mar 25 20:05:40 MST 2008


On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 5:41 PM, jblais <joe.blais at pti-instruments.com> wrote:
>  > You will not get a dark smudge. You'll get mid-gray.   Ansel Adams,
>  > took a famous photo , Moonrise over  Hernandez ( archived at the
>  > UofA).  He exposed for the moon using the Sunny 16 rule.  He knew that
>  I knew a lot of his stuff was here, (I even have his series of books) -- but
>  I never have seen the actual print -- Can anyone go to the UofA and see his
>  prints?

Moon Rise over Hernandez was on public display about 8 weeks ago. Both
the origalnal print and the final one he made some years..  Ansel
liked the later one and I preferred the earlier work print.   Also on
display was the original 8x10 negative, that gave me chills.  As too
viewing the archives, yes the public can view anything by appointment.
 At least that is what I have been told, but never taken advantage.
The Center for Creative Photography is quite a resource here and under
appreciated, it is worth a trip a couple of times a year.


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