[Tfug] Way OT: optics mumbo jumbo

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 24 08:50:28 MST 2008

--- Glen Pfeiffer <glen at thepfeiffers.net> wrote:

> (Sorry for responding to the OP through a response,
> but I deleted 
> the OP)
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2008, Bexley Hall
> <bexley401 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Now, my naive question:  by doing this, am I,
> > to some extent, counteracting the effect of
> > "moving away" from the target?  I.e., does
> > the magnification I am bringing in to play
> > *increase* the amount of light that strikes
> > the (digital) film?
> >
> I do not have much to add, but in regards to "moving
> away", it 
> does change the perspective. The following article
> has some 
> decent examples:

Ah, interesting article!  I have observed this often
(things that I *knew* to be "square" coming out
looking distorted) but wasn't concerned enough to
"fix" (again, I am just looking to save myself the
trouble of drawing sketches or verbose descriptions)
> If using a backdrop of some kind, that won't matter
> though.

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