[Tfug] SSH/SSL question...

Jim March 1.jim.march at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 19:24:09 MST 2008

I have a situation whereby I need to remote-control a given system in
another state to do upgrades, tweaks, get an XP Virtual Machine.  Call it a
couple hours of work.  Both ends will be Ubuntu desktop.

I've read up on SSH/SSL and I think I understand how to make it go.

There's one crucial question though: while the guy I'm helping is a friend,
he's also a lawyer that deals with a lot of confidential stuff.  He -=has=-
to be able to monitor me and make sure I don't go poking into his client

I'm not insulted by any means, this is just the rules of the game and he's
mandated by his job's standards to play that way.

What I need to make sure of is, is it possible for me to get in and run via
a Gnome desktop that is viewable identically at both ends?  What I have to
avoid is a situation where I have one console session and he has another.
Running my side as a different user is a no-go, I have to do access as his
user account to adjust the settings HE sees.  This guy is going to be new to
Linux :).

I'm assuming we'll have to set the screen resolution on both ends to
something low (800x600?) during this process so we can both see the whole

I'm going to BCC him on this.  Peter, this is going out to a Tucson-area
Linux geek mailing list :).  Any help appreciated guys...he's got a virus
right now and he's sick of wrassling with McAfee tech support for hour after

Jim March
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