[Tfug] Fwd: Re: Not sure what I just did..

Earl earljviolet at juno.com
Fri Mar 14 10:10:14 MST 2008

Geocities is free with Yahoo.  Good price.

It will give you 15 MB free and has an interface that is rather word-processor like for making web pages.  All you need to do is open an e-mail account with Yahoo if I remember correctly.  If you aren't going to include a lot of graphics, this will probably hold you for a while.

If you need more space, you can open another e-mail account and link the geocities sites.

"God made man, Sam Colt made men equal."
"The fates guide him who will, him who won't they drag" Spengler
"I want to change the world but they won't give me the source code" Unknown Linux Geek

-- Claude Rubinson <rubinson at u.arizona.edu> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 09:38:52AM -0700, sitkaa at email.arizona.edu wrote:
> This seems kinda pricy, especially since I can't afford it...
> Y'all are making me rethink my statement of opinions.

You need to spec out your requirements.  As I understand it, you're
just looking to host materials related to your Master's thesis.  The
U-System gives you 250 MBs of space.  (And email is on a complete
separate quota.)  That's not a trivial amount.  Do you really need


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