[Tfug] writing files from PHP

Judd Pickell pickell at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 23:17:16 MST 2008

A difference in the owner/group that is being used for apache would
cause the problem you are indicating. Apache may not be a member of
your group or vice versa, depending on where the problem is coming

Judd Pickell

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Paul Scott <waterhorse at ultrasw.com> wrote:
> Dumb question:  With permissions 644 I can open and write files with
> version 4.4.8 of PHP on a web server.  With the same version of PHP
> and the same file permissions I can't open the files for writing on
> this Mac PPC or my home computer.   The code uses fopen().
> I haven't found any obvious options with phpinfo() that give me a clue.
> TIA for any help,
> Paul Scott
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