[Tfug] Tfug Logo/T-shirts

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Tue Jun 10 09:00:43 MST 2008

On Mon Jun 09, 2008 at 10:58:51PM -0700, Jeffry Johnston wrote:
> Hey, good saguaro idea.. or if that's hard to make work, maybe some
> prickly pear on the edges?
> One thing I guess I still don't understand.. why a martini and not a
> wine glass?  We all love Wine, right? :)
> I also like the arms and feet they way they are, in case you're counting.

+10 on the wine glass

As for an official TFUG logo, I think it would be sufficient to 
remove the glass. And for the Happy Hour shirts, we leave the 
glass in.


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