[Tfug] Wireless Mice (and some wired mice) and xorg.conf

Matt Jacob m at mattjacob.com
Fri Jun 6 14:13:58 MST 2008

Glen Pfeiffer wrote:
> On Fri Jun 06, 2008 at 01:20:54PM -0700, Chad Woolley wrote:
>> It's generally frowned upon to cross post on multiple mailing 
>> lists, especially by bcc.
> Why is cross posting by bcc considered *worse*? How is it 
> different than sending individual emails to separate lists?

For me, at least, I'm filtering by the To: header, and so the original 
message showed up in my inbox instead of in my TFUG folder. The other 
bit of listserv etiquette that was broken with the post is that it 
appears to be in reply to a different subject (you can fool humans, but 
you can't fool In-Reply-To:).

Just a thought. :-)


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