[Tfug] Domain names

John Gruenenfelder johng at as.arizona.edu
Sun Jan 27 04:32:45 MST 2008

On Sun, Jan 27, 2008 at 02:49:12AM -0700, Bowie J. Poag wrote:
>Careful -- Telling someone their brilliant investment idea is worthless 
>(domain squatting) is no way to make friends. :)

Good point.

On the other hand, I am willing to state, here and now, that such persons are
a blight on the Net and society at large.  It's the equivalent of my being
able to "reserve" possible book titles for that library I plan to personally
write later on, and then auctioning them off because I've got better things to
do than write 4.6 billion pages of text.

Sadly, after I wrote the last email, I looked around some more.  Seems like
most of the registrars actively support this sort of activity with "reseller
accounts" and such.  I guess it won't be getting better any time soon.


P.S. I don't mean to disparage any TFUGgers, but if you're squatting you
should really consider a more gainful line of employment and/or investment.

--John Gruenenfelder    Research Assistant, UMass Amherst student
                        Systems Manager, MKS Imaging Technology, LLC.
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