[Tfug] OSX

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 2 11:22:21 MST 2008


--- Rich <r-lists at studiosprocket.com> wrote:

> On Dec 31, 2007, at 10:26 am, Bexley Hall wrote:
> > I.e., is there any reason I should keep the
> > machine (and OS) up and running now that I've
> > seen it?
> From a tech pov, Netinfo's the biggie. No flat
> files for you mister.  
> Unlike NIS+, it doesn't upgrade from and depend on
> existing flat  
> files: it replaces them. All tools have a sensible
> cli and a gui version.


> Also Xcode is the A1 super IDE. Great for Java.

<frown>  I am not fond of Java (think: avoid, plague)
> From a user pov, run your favorite X apps natively
> alongside MS  
> Office and Photoshop on the same box. Same as
> Windoze and Cygwin/X or  
> Linux & wine... however, you *know* those are hacks,
> OS X is meant to be that way.

I suspect the "hackish" nature of the API will no
doubt show up as innumerable "inconsistencies" or
"incompatibilities" with native WindBlows apps.
I guess if you want to run WordPad, you could do
so nicely  ;-)

> Remember 10.2 is history. Like Win XP before the
> service packs and Linux before Ubuntu.

Understood.  It was just "what I had available",
hence, the only thing I could *try*.


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