[Tfug] 3.5 DSDD floppies?

John Karns johnkarns at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 19:42:34 MST 2008

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Jeffry Johnston <tfug at kidsquid.com> wrote:

> I have a couple of them I think.. they are quite old.  Have you tried
>  taping over the hole on a HD floppy?  It's the hole without the write
>  protect slider in it.. cover both sides with tape and at least
>  computer floppy drives will think it's 720k.  It also doubles as a
>  "security by obscurity" way of making private data unreadable.. just
>  take the tape off :)
>  Jeff

No, haven't tried it yet - no doubt worth a try though.


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