[Tfug] Mower stuph fur sail

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 17 14:09:43 MST 2008

Hi, John,

--- John Karns <johnkarns at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Feb 16, 2008 9:06 PM, Earl <earljviolet at juno.com>
> wrote:
>> Much is sent over seas or to places in the
>> US such as some of the Tucson Schools and local
>> charities.  Much of goes to schools in third world
>> nations.  Other stuff goes to disaster relief such
>> as Katrina where they become part of the
>> communication system.  Some is donated to local
>> students who can't afford their own systems.
> Is there a group that helps set these up for use in
> local schools?

WC works with *several* groups to get machines
into the hands of needing/deserving individuals.
(note this isn't just limited to computers; we
also provide medical equipment, medical supplies,
clothing, etc.)

WC's sets the bar pretty low for groups that want
to service these communities.  I don't think an
individual can just walk in off the street and
say "I want to distribute computers to needy kids".
In that case, we'd say, "Great!  Come in as often
as you can -- we've got a pile of computers that
you can refurbish and stack in the 'outgoing'
room that will be distributed!"

If you are affiliated with a group that does -- or
*wants* to do -- that sort of thing, feel free to
contact WC to see if there is a possibility of
partnering with us.

Likewise, if you are a member of a group looking
for a worthwhile cause *without* having to make
a big initial commitment (getting anything
*started* is always the hardest part), consider
volunteering as a group at WC!  It's a very
relaxed atmosphere without the pressures of a
traditional $WORK (and, at the end of the day,
you feel like you actually *did* something).


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