[Tfug] Mower stuph fur sail

Earl earljviolet at juno.com
Sat Feb 16 21:06:11 MST 2008

-- "johngalt1" <johngalt1 at uswest.net> wrote:

My experience at World Care is limited to about 2 years working there 3 or so afternoons a week; I'm sure there are others more familiar with the operation than I who can give more insights.

>You mentioned refurbishing. What is done? Clean it up and apply Armor All?
     Memory checked and added if needed.  HD, Floppy, and Optical drives checked and replaced as necessary.  NIC and MODEM checked if included.  Functioning Keyboard, mouse and monitor included.  Most dust and dirt cleaned out.  Machine looks OK and functions.

>I had an impression of thrift store during my visit. What I'm hearing sounds like more than that of a thrift store.
      Much is sent over seas or to places in the US such as some of the Tucson Schools and local charities.  Much of goes to schools in third world nations.  Other stuff goes to disaster relief such as Katrina where they become part of the communication system.  Some is donated to local students who can't afford their own systems.  

>What's the mission? Selling systems and functional units or send the units to the breakup yard?
      My understand of the primary mission while working there was to set up systems for low income/charitable use.  See above for more details.
     The sales of units is to finance the operations.
     Things are sent to salvage when the time to refurbish can be better spent working on units more easily repairable or when units are obsolete or show signs of physical damage.


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