[Tfug] Virtual Keyboard

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 16 15:49:32 MST 2008

Hi, Joe,

--- jblais <joe.blais at pti-instruments.com> wrote:

> > Did *you* guys play with any of them?
> Well - we just got one in.  It is really slick.  It
> has usb to talk to a PC, and it also has bluetooth -
> My boss loaded a driver for his blackberry, then you
> just get the 2 close together, and you have a
> regular sized keyboard in front of you, on any
> surface, even clear glass.  Probably will work on a
> beer covered bar as well!

Cool!  I assume you can "adjust" the size of the
keyboard -- to some extent -- based on where you
position the "projector"?  I.e., if you put a
couple of *coasters* (sticking with the "bar"
scenario  :> ) under it?

> It's smaller than a regular mouse, it stands up like
> a small tower, about an inch square footprint and
> about 3-inches tall.  The projected keyboard is
> full sized, in red laser, about 4-inches in front of
> the tower.  You can bring in your hand from front
> or back or side, and it works!  You can hear a
> slight click sound when typing.

How does it know when you have "pressed" a button?
Does it watch the tip of your fingers wrt the
*surface* onto which it is projecting?  Or, does it
watch the *motion* of your fingers (i.e., just detect
"sudden stops").

Does it deal with multiple key presses?  (e.g.,
Ctl-Alt-DEL, Shift-J, etc.)

> I'll be trying it on Linux real soon.  I don't think
> it will need a driver for USB.

Probably not.  Just a generic HID device.
> It was about a hundred-plus bucks.


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