[Tfug] RDBMS reprise

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 6 17:11:47 MST 2008

Hi, Jeff,

--- Jeffry Johnston <tfug at kidsquid.com> wrote:

> Now, for something that seems to work for me: my
> calculator watch.  It

You obviously have younger *eyes* than I do!  ;-)
(wait until you get a little older and you discover
your arm is too *short* -- that your wrist needs
to be a few inches further away!  :> )

> My conclusion is that my next "real" PDA needs
> physical BUTTONS.  No

I'd opt for voice input -- but, not as a "tape
recorder"; it would have to transcribe things
for me so I could "read" what I spoke.

> graffiti, no lame touch screen.  Heck the screen
> doesn't even matter
> much.  And the watch form factor is a must.  I don't
> feel like I'm
> carrying it and it doesn't get mashed in my pocket.

Exactly.  As (someone?) said:  an external brain.
Something that you get in the subconcious habit of
carrying with you -- but can *forget* you have it
until you need it.

cf. "rememberance agent"
> So, a question.  Has anyone here used those laser
> projected keyboards?

There are technologies that watch the activity
in your wrists so you "type" on any surface AS IF
you were reaching for the various keys on a keyboard.
I think that would be hard to get used to...

> Can it be done?

Any (of these) things can be done if you throw enough
money at it!  ;-)


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