[Tfug] PDA non-usage

Andrew Ayre andy at britishideas.com
Mon Feb 4 10:02:36 MST 2008

Although not portable, I use a personal copy of MediaWiki for notes. I 
can categorize them, search, cross reference and access from any 
internet connected PC. And yes, I do have a PDA but it never gets used, 
except for occasional geocaching.


Angus Scott-Fleming wrote:
> 1. Dump the HTML mail.  Please. 
>     "What is wrong with sending HTML or MIME messages? There are now five main 
>     reasons for NOT doing this:"
>     http://www.geoapps.com/nomime.shtml
> 2. I use a PDA because it can be backed up and restored to a new unit when it's 
> lost or damaged.  You can't do that with paper unless you're anal about 
> xeroxing your notebook every night.
> I once lost 3 weeks of billable time when I misplaced my DayTimer back in the 
> days of paper PDAs.  I found the book a month later, buried in the couch 
> cushions, and my clients were mostly understanding about the late billing, but 
> for a while I was running on memory alone.  I've had a number of PDAs, and each 
> time one fails, I just buy a new one and synch from my desktop computer to the 
> PDA and I'm up and running in just a few hours with no lost data.  Can't do 
> that with paper records that get lost or wet.

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