[Tfug] postscript & ghostscript printing issue

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 3 13:25:16 MST 2008

Hi, Chris,

--- christ <skeptikos at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Doesn't lpr want a -P argument?
> > (sorry, I am not near a UN*X box)
> I think the -P is just used to specify the printer.
> Since I'm getting something printed, I don't think
> this is the issue.

Just be sure whatever *default* is actually
doing the processing isn't doing something that
you aren't aware of!  (I don't like leaving
options unspecified)

I haven't run FBSD since 2.something but I can
dig up my printcap(5) and pass it along for
your inspection...


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