[Tfug] A/V drives

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 25 00:50:25 MST 2008

Hi, Steve,

--- On Wed, 12/24/08, Steve Franks <stevefranks at ieee.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Steve Franks
> <stevefranks at ieee.org> wrote:
> Oh, and speaking to the original question, aren't there
> custom linux distros for this sort of thing, i.e. MythTV? 
> (Actually Myth might be a good start).  My friends who 
> use MythTV say it rocks.  You lead me to believe (Bexley)
> that you might be more interested in a production
> environment than building a TiVo, but I suspect the
> requirements are similar.

Neither.  I was just rying to identify characteristics
of that "type of device" (A/V drive) and whether it
was in some fundamental way *different* from a "regular"

> My friend is just doing DVD's and non-HD, non-digital TV,
> but he says it runs fine on his dedicated old junker CPU.

Understood.  My only A/V use is for offline production.
There, things are CPU bound instead of "media bound"
(I run an Ultra320 array so I have buckets of bandwidth
for "video")



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