[Tfug] Reminder: Happy Hour this Thursday, 8/7

Claude Rubinson rubinson at u.arizona.edu
Thu Aug 7 15:59:48 MST 2008

Hi all,

I just picked up the swatches of the t-shirts and they look great!
I'll bring them to happy hour tonight.  There are actually two
versions: a less-expensive one for $12.50 and a more-expensive one for
$17.50.  The logo for the $12.50 seems to be a thin vinyl; for the
$17.50, the logo is has a felt-type feel.  Both appear to be very high

Assuming that everybody tonight is happy with the look, I'll place the
order in a couple of days.  I'll need to know if people want the less-
or more-expensive version.

One thing that would be really helpful to me is if some people would
be willing to pay for their shirts ahead of time.  I need to put down
50% of the cost ahead of time.

We'll be doing multiple orders, so you'll have another chance to get a
shirt.  But if you want one now, let me know.


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