[Tfug] Following the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard in Debian

Andrew Ayre andy at britishideas.com
Mon Apr 14 08:40:58 MST 2008

I can't answer all your questions, but I can tell you what I do for some 
of them.

I put sources in /usr/src or /usr/local/src.

I build applications to reside in /usr/local/bin (regular users) and 
/usr/local/sbin (superusers).

I store my local websites under development in /data/websites. In 
general /data is a network share so other people on the network can 
access the files.

System wide scripts I put in /etc/scripts.

In general I back up /home /etc and /data, so everything that is not 
replaceable goes in there. /data for network shared files, /home for 
user's personal data and /etc for system configuration and scripts.

Other people may have completely different advice, but this works for me.


Glen Pfeiffer wrote:
> For the whole of my Debian GNU/Linux experience I've been 
> sheltered  by the official Debian repository mirrors, 
> backports.org, and Debian Multimedia. I've not had need or desire 
> to build packages from source nor have I put any files outside 
> /home and /etc. Don't get me wrong; I've built packages on 
> *other* systems (notably FreeBsd), but not on Debian.
> I would now like to do some of the following tasks while keeping 
> my fingers out of the apt-get/aptitude directories so they remain 
> pristine:
> 1. Build and install software like Parrot, or Firefox 3. Where 
>    should I 'configure' it to put the files?
> 2. Install deb packages from unofficial sources. What is the best 
>    way to be sure that the packages put things where Debian would 
>    expect them to? I assume that I will have to inspect the 
>    package. Are there any automated tools for this?
> 3. Install modules for Perl/Python/Ruby. I've read about the 
>    issues with Ruby Gems and how it installs the gems in 
>    directories where Debian does not want them. Would it be best 
>    to avoid their package management systems, CPAN/Eggs/Gems, and 
>    manually install so they won't intrude in directories that 
>    they should not?
> 4. Local web development. Where should I put my those files? Is a 
>    directory under ~/ the most appropriate? I think someone 
>    mentioned putting them under /var.
> 5. Run local MySql/PostreSql databases. Where should the data 
>    files go?
> 6. Create one or more local Subversion repositories. Where should 
>    they go?
> 7. Create system wide (non root) scripts. They will be executable 
>    by all local users. Again, where should I put them?
> I know there is not necessarily a 'one true way' but is there a 
> best practice?

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