[Tfug] CAD software that is friendly to Linux

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 17 09:55:30 MST 2007

--- Rich <r-lists at studiosprocket.com> wrote:

> On Sep 14, 2007, at 12:18 pm, Bexley Hall wrote:
> > The problem you will find is many people who run
> > Linux (or other free Eunices) "expect" something
> for
> > nothing.  So, demanding a "respectable" price for
> > a *considerable* engineering effort may not be a
> > workable business model.
> People don't necessarily already run a free OS.

Of course!  But the OP's question was re:
"... friendly to Linux".

> There's a big market  
> (but here? hm) in turnkey systems, designed
> specifically to run one  
> app, or a range of related apps. Customer doesn't
> get any privileges  
> to do anything beyond maintenance downloads, and
> Provider either owns, or leases the box(en).

Yup.  Been there with CV boxes.  :-(  I guess
"OK" for that "time"...

> > ... have never found anything in any
> > CAD/EDA related field that would coax that sort of
> > cash out of my pocket ...
> What about with turnkey systems though?
> > (Note that this comes from someone who's shelled
> > out several kilobucks for AutoCAD and other EDA
> > tools -- so "money" isn't the issue as much as
> > "staying power"  :< )
> So, if you were in a position to lease or buy a
> turnkey system with a  
> maintenance agreement, would you?

Me?  No.  I'm essentially a one-man shop.  Every
dollar that I spend is *mine*.  I want to invest
in things that I can *maintain* down the road.
I have no desire to chase the latest MS OS -- *or*
the latest Linux kernel!  Rarely do they add any
"value" that I need to do my work.

Q: How often does a carpenter buy a new hammer?
Ans: when the old one WEARS OUT (and, chances are,
the *new* hammer will be the *same* make/model as 
his *old* hammer.)

(And, "no", hammer "technology" isn't static.  There
*are* advances made in hand tools all the time... so,
you can't argue that a hammer is a hammer is a hammer)

People treat computers nowadays as we did "stereos"
30 years ago... "Ooooh!  I've got a Degrazelizer 400
cartridge in my Wigglemedia 808 tonearm!"  (yeah,
but your still playing the same scratched up vinyl!)


(said as someone who wishes he could recover *half*
the money he p*ssed away on audio kit!  :< )

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