[Tfug] CAD software that is friendly to Linux

Eric M. Gearhart eric at nixwizard.net
Sat Sep 15 11:56:51 MST 2007

"Its funny though, because knowledge gained in one CAD program is typically highly transferable." 

That's exactly what I was thinking - adapting to FastCAD (Linux support in v8) shouldn't be that huge of a leap, right? 

My best analogy is driving a car. Yea the shifter might be on the floor instead of being on the column, and you gotta adjust the rearview mirror for your height, but come on everyone knows how to drive a car. 

Also - god you guys are salty. Every time I post on here with some entrepreneurial zeal I get "salty old farts" replying. Just an observation from a young whippersnapper. I'll get off your lawn now mister. 


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