[Tfug] CAD software that is friendly to Linux

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 14 12:18:35 MST 2007

--- "Eric M. Gearhart" <eric at nixwizard.net> wrote:

> Has anyone used Varicad? http://www.varicad.com 
> The fact that it supports OpenDWG is encouraging...
> open formats like it and ODF are the way of the
> future IMO. 
> Anyone in the engineering world have any input on
> this? I'm trying to figure out if there's a decent
> market for good CAD software on Linux... with all

The problem you will find is many people who run
Linux (or other free Eunices) "expect" something for
nothing.  So, demanding a "respectable" price for
a *considerable* engineering effort may not be a
workable business model.

I've been running various free Eunices for close to
20 years (?) and have never found anything in any
CAD/EDA related field that would coax that sort of
cash out of my pocket given that the OS is likely
to change every 3 months and the vendor is
*probably* not going to tag along for the ride.

(Note that this comes from someone who's shelled
out several kilobucks for AutoCAD and other EDA
tools -- so "money" isn't the issue as much as
"staying power"  :< )

> the focus on optics and electronics Tucson is pretty
> engineering-heavy right? 

Hmmm... *I* wouldn't jump to that conclusion!  :>
(though I guess it's "heavier" than, say, Romney
West Virginia... :>  )


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