[Tfug] Gmail gets IMAP

Robert Hunter hunter at tfug.org
Tue Oct 30 01:00:50 MST 2007

On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 12:24:01AM -0700, jrcresawn at gmail.com wrote:
> Is it possible to change folders from the INBOX to "[Gmail]/Sent Mail"?  I
> can't seem to enter the space without the cursor jumping to the front of the
> line as if I pressed ctrl-u.  Furthermore, it does not appear possible to use
> the ctrl-t feature to browse the folders and access it that way.

I found two ways to do this:

1) Use Tab completion to fill in the rest of the path


2) Navigate the list of folders, and then use space bar to select the
   folder you want read.

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