[Tfug] An Enlightenment E17 shocker...

Jim March 1.jim.march at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 22:22:10 MST 2007

I had a hardware breakdown today.  My beloved Kyocera KR1 managed to
loosen it's power plug.  Waaaa.  This is the thing that lets me create
a mobile wifi hotspot via a PCMCIA Verizon EVDO (glammed-out cell

So I did some digging and quickly found that my Kyocera KPC650 Verizon
EVDO card is now much better supported in Feisty forward.  To get it
running right I copied a script off of Ubuntuforums, marked it
executable and manually ran it under Gnome.  Works great.  Puts a
pretty strong cell-signal a bit too close to my balls for long-term
comfort but it'll get me by until I hard-solder a power cord into that
router :).

I'll past the contents of the script below.

Here's the kicker: I hadn't yet caused the script to auto-start.  I
was testing it first.

Spurred by Jude in the "XFCE thread" I tried E17.  I'm typing on it right now.

And I'm online.  Via the Verizon EVDO connection.

Which...I didn't start...

Meh?  Somebody apparently wrote EVDO support straight into E17.


I think I'll pay more attention to E17...somebody's at least trying...


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