[Tfug] How to allow the user to reboot?

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 10 13:58:01 MST 2007

--- jblais <joe.blais at pti-instruments.com> wrote:

> Fedora 5, gnome desktop.
> Generally you need to be root to do a
> '/sbin/shutdown -h now', so, how does

For good reason...

> the gnome desktop do a shutdown when you're a
> regular user?
> Can that command be accessed by a user's script?

WHy do you *want* the user to be able to do this?
Presumably, if you don't trust the user with root
privileges, you probably don't trust him/her to
know when it's "appropriate" to shutdown, etc. (?)

I would suggest letting the user set a flag somewhere
(e.g., "touch /path/to/shutdownplease") and then have
a job that watches for that flag and, WHEN IT IS
APPROPRIATE, does an orderly shutdown.

E.g., what happens if you let the user unilaterally
do the shutdown and there is a backup job running,


My $0.02...


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