[Tfug] Politics, Religion, trolls and Linux

George Cohn gwcohn at simplybits.net
Mon May 28 10:00:40 MST 2007

keith smith wrote:
> That funny!  We gave our TV and home theater to Goodwill about 6 weeks ago.  I missed it at first.
> I do not know how I got along spending 3 hours a day either watching or looking for something to watch.  My wife feels the same way.
> We used to sit in front of the TV stuffing our faces with junk we did not need.

I watch very little television, just a few home DIY shows like New 
Yankee Workshop.

I am reminded of a sci-fi story from many years ago, something called 
"M'Lord is my Shepherd" I believe.

An alien race found that another race was developing rapidly and they 
need to improve the intelligence of a race called "Earthlings" to enlist 
them as allies.  So they introduced A/C power to the "Earthlings" which 
created waves that stimulated the nerves and development of the brain.

Unfortunately, the "Earthlings" developed a very nasty warring 
personality so they had to introduce something called "Television" which 
  was a stupidifier and was supposed to reduce them to mindless idiots.

Unfortunately it only drove some of them mad and made the rest even more 
warlike, so in the end, the alien race had to form an alliance with 
their former supposed enemies to protect themselves from the 
"Earthlings".   ;-)

Irritates me no end to go to a business and be forced to see television. 
  Pizza Hut and the PCC cafeteria come to mind.

The news programs that feed people sound bites are the worst.  Makes me 
feel like Orwells 1984 with big brother constantly brain washing the 
populace is a reality.

George Cohn

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