[Tfug] Who needs a UPS?

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat May 19 09:17:00 MST 2007

--- Rich <r-lists at studiosprocket.com> wrote:

> Fat computer workers to get treadmills
> Save power, save the planet, shed pounds
> BOFFINS have developed a stand-up work cubical which
> will allow workers to use a computer while
> operating a treadmill.


Actually, there are folks looking into instrumenting
*shoes* to generate enough electricity in the normal
act of walking to power wearables...  Amazing to see
how power requirements have fallen so dramatically!
(recalling work on a 100MHz CPU that dissipated
a few *hundred* Watts -- just for the CPU itself...
no memory or peripherals!)

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