[Tfug] An idea someone should develop and patent

Andrew Halper andrewhalper at cox.net
Fri May 18 12:56:09 MST 2007

> From: "Joe Blais" <joe.blais at pti-instruments.com> 

> Here's an Idea for someone to make a software product --- 
> Some time ago there was a bit of talk on TFUG about having your iPod or 
> whatever -- I don't even have a cell phone so don't ask me what -- anyway, 
> as you move into a wireless area, you are "recognized" and communicate with 
> others--- 
> Forget the communicate with others, communicate with the juke box.  Your 
> device accesses the juke box and you pick songs, and pay to play them 
> through your device, through PayPal, whatever.  Current juke boxes being not 
> much more than MP3 players with a processor, this is easy.  Now, they don't 
> have what you want to listen to.  But your device does have a copy.  You may 
> have something bootleged - but you want to share the music.  So you play the 
> music you have brought with you! You still pay for the play, so the record 
> companies still get a cut of money even though the music file was bootleged. 
> You may also get a much wider appreciation of music if people bring in their 
> selections to share, or play your own creations. 

This is very near what Last.fm is. Not quite as portable, although it does work on the iPod.

One significant difference being, instead of "record companies still get a cut of money", they get money for the down-streamed songs, and gigs of tasty marketing data.


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