[Tfug] Aspberger's Syndrome test

Rich r-lists at studiosprocket.com
Sat May 12 15:25:45 MST 2007

On May 12, 2007, at 9:36 am, Ronald Sutherland wrote:

> I got 13,  it would have been higher 20+ years ago, but beer and wine
> seem to have fixed me down also ...  :-)
14, though the questions are skewed toward childhood---specifically  
teenage and male---behavioural problems.
Ditto (it's called "being a male teenager").
Ditto (it's called "brain damage").

As usual with this kind of survey, it raises more questions than it  

  - "13. do your eyes focus on patterns in objects without trying?"  
-- This appears to be the only visual/spatial question. It doesn't  
ask, for example, "How many 3D animations have you made for your own  
  - "27. would you like to live on a desert island with few people?"  
-- Am I being asked if I would like to die of malnourishment, or does  
the questioner mean "a deserted island" in the sense "a sparsely  
inhabited island" rather than "an abandoned island"?
  - "You have already answered that question." -- Yes mate, I changed  
my mind. If we weren't allowed to change our minds, we wouldn't be  
  - [Submit] "To use this option you must have a standard email  
client installed on your computer (Outlook Express, Outlook, Eudora  
etc.)" -- WTF? Standard!?

And a few more based on the types of questions:

How many of us, when taking surveys, have felt the need to correct  
the questions' grammar, generality/specificity, or remove certain  
implicit assumptions?

And how many have taken a survey purporting to be sampling for one  
thing and you've realized partway through, by the types of questions,  
that it was actually sampling something else entirely? (The sample in  
this case would appear to be "Look how many friends I have -- and  
they're just like me!")

Back to the quiz, how many of us with low scores have *coping*  
mechanisms for being more social, more outgoing, etc.? I'm not  
talking about rituals and stuff -- I'm talking about the stuff you  
don't even have to think about any more.

As you can see, I have quite a lot of Asperger's left over :-)

Now if someone without Asperger's could write another quiz...


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