[Tfug] Qt Library [Shocking use of]

Shawn Nock nock at email.arizona.edu
Wed Mar 28 16:20:51 MST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Stephen Hooper wrote:
> Would you consider using software "server" that used the Qt library
> (not for GUI stuff)?

What... this is like a real question? Qt dep., no GUI... hmm, wow.

> I ask because it recently came up in discussion with a coworker, and
> my first thought was to vomit.

You have good instincts.

> It is just such an abhorrent concept to me, that I can't believe
> anyone would consider it, and my mind recoils from the logic that
> would bring someone to make such a decision.  Can someone help me
> explain why this seems so bad/wrong?

I can't think of a good reason to use it. Seems like more of a
programmer comfort zone issue, not something that I think is worth the
potential resource usage, complicating the auditing process, and/or cost
of licensing the library appropriately (or porting the software to
another) should it need to be sold later.

The first two are often neglected on modern systems (READ: faster
server/desktops where one 7MB .so isn't going to hurt), but y'all
probably have some embedded/legacy systems with relation the the
telescopes, right?

There are plenty of good abstraction toolkits for network server type
operations.... ask this man why Qt. Whenever I build/try to port Qt apps
 it is a tremendous pain. qmake? Why do you (the Qt people) need another
make? Just muddle along like the rest of us with gmake or bsdmake. I
mean, come on! Imake didn't work very well for X11...

Gahh... I don't want to talk about it any more.

> I am also interested in any thoughts explaining why it is good, and
> right.  I will probably still think you insane if you think it
> good/right, but I am still interested.

If we need to look on the bright side.... There is the old "code
reusability" thing that the C++'ers have been waving flags about. I
suppose that it is possible that this dev. has a meticulously kept
library of perfect functions/objects for the task at hand that really
need (in a special way) the functionality of the Qt lib. (</sarcasm>)

Also, the Qt folks do make a light weight Qt lib implementation for
handheld/embedded GUIs... maybe the resource usage can be cut.

That's all the effort I'm willing to put in to the "bright side". For my
money/time... never would I choose Qt.

- --
Shawn Nock (OpenPGP: 0xB64200E1)
Unix Systems Group; CCIT
University of Arizona
nock at email.arizona.edu
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


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