[Tfug] battery life, power management and windows vs linux

Jeremy D Rogers jdrogers at optics.arizona.edu
Wed Mar 21 12:39:55 MST 2007

> You're right, except that the Windows battery meter is horribly
> inaccurate. If you're using the ThinkPad Power Manager, you're
> probably getting a (mostly) accurate reading. Check out this post for
> more info:
> http://www.lenovoblogs.com/insidethebox/?p=52

The good news is that I was using the TP power meter to compare.
That's a nice discussion on that link.  I'm really diggin the settings
availible under that tool. Using the TP battery monitor, I can see the
instantaneous current draw and battery temperature. I hope I can
getthis info under linux once I get tp_smapi (
http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi ) up and running.

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