[Tfug] UA Wireless

JD Rogers rogersjd at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 11:57:12 MST 2007

I'm no longer at UA, but I know something about this..
The 'super duper' wireless network is simply VPN[1]. I was in Meinel
(Optics) and we had our own wireless which was replaced by UA wireless
a few years ago. The switch meant I could no longer access anything
other than port 80. I was told that by using VPN I would have all
ports exactly as if I plugged in. I *think* that is still true, but I
was lazy and nver actually tried setting up VPN. Instead, I complained
to my department IT guys and they requested that ssh (port 22) be
opened up. Since I can tunnel anything over port ssh/port22, i was
happy. I assumed they opened port 22 campus wide, but I once tried to
connect from another building and couldn't. So maybe they only did it
for Meinel.
In any case, you could probably do either of 1) install and use VPN or
2) request access to port 22 for your building if all your classes and
access are from one area.
[1] This was the case up to December, but sometime recently CCIT
restructured firewalls and I was not able to connect to a campus
machine that was on a wired network until I asked them to specially
allow that static IP address. I don't know if that change in security
policy also accompanied a change in the VPN status.

On 3/15/07, Michael Omar Gatto <gatto_omar at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Yup, I've been defeated by this "Security" and I'm a student/ employee . I
> work on the UA websites and often find myself wanting to upload from my
> TabletPC while I'm between classes or have tight deadlines. Of course, FTP
> or even SFTP do not work through the public wireless. I was not aware,
> however, that being registered could get me in on another Wi-Fi network. Has
> anyone used the super-duper one and gotten anything other than port 80?
> - Mike Gatto
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