[Tfug] Etch is Awesome

Charles R. Kiss charles at kissbrothers.com
Tue Mar 13 21:49:13 MST 2007

Etch is very really cool; I had completely "deleted" my root partition 
and all it's  subdirectories; downloaded the netinstall.iso 
2.6.8-14-7-k7 and installed fresh.

After the usual plugin downloads and codecs, everything ran perfectly: 
email, web browser, printer configuration: I did nothing more than 
"aptitude install kde, etc" and made configurations through the GUI's on 
the menu.  The look is very clean and it seems all my old problems went 

What I don't like are the names and logos of the new "mozilla-type" 
internet services: the email client is called "Icedove" and web browser 
is called "Iceweasel."   I understand the mockery, I'll get used to it, 
I guess.  Is there a way I can change the text on the menu bar and all 
the submenu bars, so their just empty? 

Sorry, OCD


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