[Tfug] Tfug] *Way* OT: Swamp coolers, ACbrrs, etc

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 20 17:42:37 MST 2007

--- Felix Tilley <fetilley at earthlink.net> wrote:

> 1.  The swamp coolers are ineffective when the dew
> point exceeds 55 degrees F.  Also, you need to
> replace the excelsior or what ever, every year.

"Excelsior"?? WTF?  Do you mean *pads*?
I think coolers are also a higher maintenance
item than the ACbrrr -- though it is maintenance
that *you* can do instead of requiring a
refrigeration guy, etc.

> I used to run my swamp cooler when the dew point
> was 65 degrees F.  Totally useless.
> 2.  Don't switch between swamp cooler and air
> conditioning in the same season, as this may rust
> your furnace.

Hmmm... I'd not seen this.  That would be like
saying "don't run the ACbrrr when it's Monsoon
season and RH is 99.372448%"

> 3.  Drain the swamp cooler when mosquito season
> starts.  And seal it 
> off.  West Nile virus isn't funny.  This is usually
> in August.

We've never done this for *that* reason.  Rather,
just "serviced" it at the end of "cooler season"
before "ACbrrr season".

> 4.  If you encounter any Cajuns, tell them a swamp
> cooler is not a cocktail.
> 5.  Running a swamp cooler is the difference between
> $80 per month and $200 per month in electric bills.

We don't see that big of a difference in electric
bills.  And, cooler really hammers on the *water*

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