[Tfug] FW: You've got to watch this video

Joe Blais joe.blais at pti-instruments.com
Fri Jun 1 10:20:41 MST 2007

Bet there's no Linux or open drivers for this one!
Similar to that thing I passed along a while back, about a desktop for
'grabbing' things and putting them in stacks.
I also saw stuff about this having a number of cameras pointing up, and
sensors that control cell phones (TMobile sales gimmicks?) .
Probably getting picture ID of everyone purchasing a cell phone!  (just
because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean there's no one after me!  :-)

p.s.  Hi George!


   --  thought you'd like to check out the video Microsoft Surface: Hands-on
First Look, now playing on Brightcove.com.

  Watch Now

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