[Tfug] Running PHP on a Windows Server

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 25 10:22:09 MST 2007

Interesting.  Thanks.

TR <trexx at pobox.com> wrote: On 7/24/07, keith smith  wrote:
> It is going to run Apache, MySql and PHP.  I wanted Linux however they want win.

I would , and have, tell the customer that he is hiring an expert and
the Linux is the only option I will provide.   It is this form of
grasping for business that leads the the ruin of many a business.

My advise is run away as fast as you can.

Just my 2 cents

Tucson Free Unix Group - tfug at tfug.org
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Keith Smith
(480) 584-4772
PHP Programming

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