[Tfug] Annoying Terminal Problem

Andrew Ayre andy at britishideas.com
Sat Jul 21 08:48:47 MST 2007


Thanks for the hints and pointers. I'll look into all these 
possibilities. :)


Matt Jacob wrote:
> It might have something to do with PuTTY's terminal emulation
> settings, but I'm not 100% sure about that. I've used PuTTY in the
> past, but now I use SecureCRT. I don't think I've seen this problem in
> SecureCRT, but I suppose it could be an issue with ncurses as well. (I
> don't really use nano or many terminal programs that provide text
> interfaces, though.)
> And while this isn't a solution, here's a tip: instead of hitting
> enter, you can just do ^L to clear the scrollblock.
> Matt
> On 7/20/07, Andrew Ayre <andy at britishideas.com> wrote:
>> Frequently when using programs like nano and aptitude, when the program
>> exits the prompt is not at the bottom of the terminal window. Instead it
>> appears at a random position, e.g. in the middle of the terminal window.
>> What I type next is hard to see amongst the clutter of previous prompts
>> and commands, and I end up hitting enter multiple times to get the
>> prompt back to the bottom.
>> I've seen this with Suse, Gentoo, Debian...
>> Does anyone know of a solution to this irritant? Is it my terminal
>> program (puTTY)?

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