[Tfug] Troubleshooting an X/TCP/appliance/OS hazzard

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 19 16:19:27 MST 2007

--- Brian Murphy <murphy at coppershadow.com> wrote:

> Bexley Hall wrote:
> > I noticed that periodically (*regularly*!), my
> session
> > at the terminal would "freeze" momentarily.  I.e.,
> > click or type on something and nothing would
> happen
> > (though the mouse cursor would still move
> properly,
> > etc.).  Then, a few seconds later, the system
> would
> > "catch up" with me.
> <snip>
> > Any suggestions of other "easy" (?) tests to help
> > isolate whether the problem is in the X terminal,
> > SS5, OS, etc.?
> Do you have any network duplex mismatches between
> your host and switch?
> Do an ifconfig and look at the error counters.

Hmmm... that's an idea.  Though why would
communications "proceed correctly" for the other
95% of the time?  :-/   (I will take a peek tonight)

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