[Tfug] Need help troubleshooting autofs problems

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Tue Jul 10 23:59:36 MST 2007

On 07/09/2007 11:12 AM, Rich wrote:
> On Jul 8, 2007, at 7:09 pm, Glen Pfeiffer wrote:
>> I am setting up my wife's desktop with autofs to mount a samba 
>> share. I can manually mount the share with smbmount, but it is 
>> not mounting with autofs, and I do not see any errors.
> Why autofs? Does the samba share keep disappearing?
Yes. The share is on one of my desktops instead of a dedicated 
file server. When it was not available, the other desktop would 
lockup trying to access it.

> Can you mount the share with mount?
>    mount -t smbfs -o username=Guest,password=  //host/share  /mnt/ 
> mountpoint

>> I am using this same setup successfully on another machine.
> What does its entry look like in fstab?
No fstab entry. It is handled by autofs.

> Are you sure the mountpoint exists?

>> 2. Can anyone point me to some other logs that might help?
> Maybe something in /var/log/samba, otherwise dmesg, messages, syslog.
Thanks. I will check it out.


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