[Tfug] List of packages required to make a good Debian Desktop system

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Wed Jul 4 22:36:45 MST 2007

I am putting together a list of software that I use on my Debian 
boxes. There are two reasons I am doing this. First, because I 
cannot remember it all and I want to have a reference of what 
works for me while I am setting up new systems for friends and 
family. A second objective is to share it with others. I expect 
it would be most helpful to those new to Linux and Debian. Some 
of my choices were influenced because I run GNOME.

1. Do any of you know of better alternatives than what I have 

2. Are you aware of any media codecs I am missing?

Basic Desktop Software

Package Name              Description
------------------------- ---------------------------------------
gaim                      Instant messaging program
gftp                      File Transfer Program
gimp                      Image editing program
gnome-art                 Install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org
gnome-themes-extras       Various themes for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnomebaker                Burn music CD's
gnomesword                Bible study software
gthumb                    Image library application)
samba                     Share and read files with Windows
smbfs                     Mount and unmount commands for Samba

Children's Games

Package Name       Description
------------------ ---------------------------------------
childsplay         Suite of 12 educational games for children
ktuberling         Mr. Potato Head game for children
tuxpaint           Painting program for children

Web browsing and Multimedia

Package Name           Description
---------------------- ---------------------------------------
alsa-base              The linux sound system.
flashplayer-mozilla    Browser flash player plugin [1,5]
icedove                Email Client (Thunderbird)
iceweasel              Web Browser
libdvdcss              DVD decryption so you can play DVD's [1]
sun-java5-jre          Sun's Java Runtime Environment [2,3,4]
sun-java5-plugin       Sun's Java browser plugin [2,3,4]
w32codecs              Libs for playing Media Files [1]
xmms                   Music player


1. Debian MultiMedia Repository. Add the following to 

   deb http://debian-multimedia.org etch main

   Add Marillat's key to your ring so apt-get stops showing you 
   an error. Execute these commands:

   # gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 1F41B907
   # gpg --armor --export 1F41B907 > marillat.asc
   # apt-key add marillat.asc 

   Update your repository.

2. Only available in the Etch and later non-free repositories.
   After installing Sun's Java you need to make sure that it is 
   the default: 
   # update-java-alternatives --set java-1.5.0-sun

3. http://stepien.com.pl/2006/11/26/java-on-debian-including-firefox-plugin/

4. Java Tester: http://www.javatester.org/version.html

5. Flash Tester: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome/
   If the flash plugin loads correctly, mouse over the About tab 
   in the plugin to find out which version you are running.

Other References

1. List all Iceweasel/Firefox plugins. Start Iceweasel, and in 
   the address bar, type: about:plugins

2. WMA, WAV, and OGG media files for testing: 

3. Article on setting up Real Player: 


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