[Tfug] Trouble with wifi ap. Out of ideas

Neil Short neshort at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 4 11:49:28 MST 2007

--- Nathanial Hendler <nathanhendler at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a thinkpad 42 with working wireless.  That
> is, working when I'm at my
> home network, and several public access points.
> I am training in Denver, and at this hotel, I can't
> get it to work.  If I
> run windows, the wireless works just fine, so I know
> the access point is
> ok.  When using linux, dhcp returns an IP, and it
> works for about one or two
> webpages before dying. ....

I suspect you'll get better help from the Debian gurus
(as you use xubuntu).

But, I am motivated to ask if your laptop has an
Atheros wireless card.

I have an Atheros on my laptop (Toshiba) and I have
had loads of problems with it staying active. Some
sort of timeout (watchdog) happens and the thing dies
after a few seconds on Knoppix. It has been a problem
on FreebSD as well; but lately (running FreeBSD
Current) My problems have gone mostly away with that
device. It's a klunky piece of hardware. I was having
the problem mainly when the processor temp got above
130 degrees F. It's handling it fine now; but it is
certainly some hardware problem that requires a driver


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Ecclesiastes 8:11

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