[Tfug] uptime (was "Re: Dynamic DNS and Qwest?")

rfs_lists at mac.com rfs_lists at mac.com
Wed Jan 24 17:08:17 MST 2007

On Jan 24, 2007, at 6:21 am, Joel Howard wrote:

> Robert Hunter wrote:
>>> then reboot and see what happens.
>> /etc/init.d/networking restart
>> rebooting is for windows users.
> I agree, and I have been rebooting less and enjoying it more for the
> past couple years. I just like to see it all reappear properly  
> before I
> go off and forget what I did. Thanks.

Someone once observed that uptime is measured the same way as engine  
size: furtively.

Ho hum. So long as it gets you dates! :-P

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