[Tfug] 'grub'ing for books...

rfs_lists at mac.com rfs_lists at mac.com
Mon Jan 15 19:34:18 MST 2007

On Jan 14, 2007, at 9:06 pm, lukkystarr at excite.com wrote:

> My point is, anyone know of other computer books of this type for  
> intermediate Linux topics?  Most are too broad, as they try to  
> address all flavors of Linux at once, which doesn't work well if  
> you know nothing about getting through the little hiccups that are  
> inevitable.

The purple Unix System Administrators Handbook or the green Linux  
Administrators Handbook http://www.admin.com/ -- two current editions  
of the same thing. It's a one-stop-shop for everything intermediate  
to advanced. Gives you lots of unhealthy ideas about improvement too ;-)

Once you've used it up, the case studies in the back are a good laugh  
(and they're supposed to be). I recommend it to everyone, whatever  
level you're at.

I have to admit I've never read purple or green, because I keep my  
treasured red edition. I've never used a better Unix/Linux book.


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