[Tfug] Trolling for Opinions (CentOS)

bigj at flatwan.net bigj at flatwan.net
Mon Jan 8 21:21:39 MST 2007

> So, what opinions are there out there RE CentOS?  I think my main concern
> is that they might just suddenly fold their tents and steal away into the
> night as did Fedora Legacy.

I'm using CentOS x86_64 as my hosting platform for 50 or so customers (one
of which is tfug) and it's been solid. I would at least install it on a
spare box and give it a test run whether you plan on using it as a desktop
or server environment.

As far as future development and its strength in the market I am short of
insight. Seems all Linux distros seem to move at a moderate pace (don't
include Debian) unless, as you stated, you're running Fedora then it seems
they have been in a full sprint for several years now.


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