[Tfug] bluetooth

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 15 12:01:47 MST 2007


Is anyone *actively* using bluetooth (i.e. not
just *playing* with it)?  If so, I'd appreciate
any pointers to the distro you are using and
the problems you may be experiencing.  I am
particularly interested in higher bandwidth
devices (i.e., a wireless *keyboard* does nothing
to tax that technology).

[Note:  I am *solely* interested in the BT
technology and have *NO* interest in the distro
itself -- so lets keep any "religion" out of the
discussion  ;-)  ]

On a related note:  what's the *leanest* distro
that I can use to test the BT stack?  (again, please
only comment if you *have* the stack running on
that particular distro!)

Mercy Buckets!

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