[Tfug] holidays with linux

christopher floess skeptikos at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 16:19:12 MST 2007

Alright, since I have a whole month off, I decided to take
the opportunity to step away from FreeBSD and use
Linux for a while.

So far things are going well. I got dapper drake up and
running. I've installed flash and opera, though flash is
currently only working for firefox, at least I have opera
working to some extent.

What I'd really like to do is get fvwm working as my
window manager. I see that Synaptic has fvwm1, but
I would like to install fvwm 2.5x. Has any one done

Any way, besides the fvwm stuff I'm excited about
how easy the transition has been. All of the subtle
differences that tend to be surprisingly annoying have
been easy to fix by way of google searches.

If anyone has a solution for the fvwm thing, let me
know. Otherwise, I'll keep you posted about things

~ Chris

Fuck it, Dude. Let's go Bowling.
~ Walter Sobchak

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