[Tfug] Cheap Memory

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 17 20:57:36 MST 2007

so M$ optimizes their 50 million lines of code that runs on your  desktop at a cost of $300 a copy and those other apps are optimized also so they cost twice as much.

You pay either way.

Terence Rudkin <trudkin at gmail.com> wrote: On Dec 17, 2007 6:22 PM, keith smith  wrote:
> That is how most will look at the statement of "It only has 1GB of RAM.".
> There is another school of thought.... if a techie cost upwards of $100/hr in a w2 situation and a Gig of ram cost $59 or so and if a little RAM can overcome some long hours optimizing code.... lets throw some RAM at it.
> So what are your thoughts?

That is $59 per user, so I have 1000 users $59,000 in wasted
resources.  Or perhaps 15 Years ago writing an app that sold hundreds
of thousand copies., back then it was $300 for that  extra meg of ram.
 It was my job was to make the product fit in 2meg.  And you miss the
real picture. I add that 1G stick and now I run a poorly written
program that goes and sucks up all it can just so  it can run a little
faster and the program I added the memory for is no better off.  I run
two database both with large foot prints.   I can run both of them
fine on my workstation because they are well optimized.  But as soon
as I start one copy of eclipse I cannot run either.   So software can
and should be written so that it can run in a limited memory space.
And coders should write the code that way.


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Keith Smith
(480) 584-4772
PHP Programming

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